Seattle Tours

Some notes on wandering around Seattle and environs.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Returning home

I jumped on a north bound freight in Portland to return to Seattle after a five-month absence. I only made it to Kelso. Then I walked four miles to the highway and got a ride from some British ex-pat. We spoke Spanish, he was married for eight years in Argentina. These are some pictures from my train ride.

En Portland, Oregon, subi a un tren de carga, rumbo al norte, para regresar a Seattle despues de cinco meses de ausencia. Solo llegue a Kelso. Camine 7 kilometros para llegar a la carretera y me dio un gran empujon un britanico que ahora vive en EEUU. Hablamos espanol, el habia sido casado ocho anos en Argentina. Hay aqui unos fotos del viaje en el tren:

Wild cherries (Prunus) and maples (Acer) in bloom: we're on the cusp of the 2007 leaf out.

Deep-welled DOWX: probably an empty plastic pellet car

Bucolic scene near Kalama, WA
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