Seattle Tours

Some notes on wandering around Seattle and environs.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


To the Alps via the CD

Woke up early to go hiking in the mountains. Encountered a remediation site in the Central District, where contaminated shallow groundwater was being pumped into holding tanks. This has been carried out at many former gas station properties and (as in this case) former dry cleaner sites. The brick building that used to be in this lot (SW corner 23rd and Union, former home of Ms. Helen’s Soul Food) was ruined in the 2001 Nisqually earthquake and then it got the wrecking ball treatment. Now it’s just open dirt, butterfly bushes and other weeds.

Looks like they are injecting hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into the ground, which oxidizes contaminants such as solvents or PCE left from the dry cleaners, and the fluid is then extracted at other nearby well points.

Spent the day in a more pristine setting with my friends Jonah and Cory. Hiked up to Rattlesnake Ridge (eastern Issaquah Alps), found snow at about 2500 feet elevation.

Authorized photo by Jonah. Cameron overlooks outlet of Rattlesnake Lake.

Unauthorized photo by Cameron. Jonah contemplates the heights and the depths.

Trillium ovatum (Liliaceae), one of Spring's first flowering forbs in the lowland coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest, was out in force today, along with Viola glabella.

Red alders (Alnus rubra) guard the snow-dusted trail.

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