Seattle Tours

Some notes on wandering around Seattle and environs.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Sunday Lake attempt #1

Jonah and I went looking for Sunday Lake, which drains to the north fork of the Snoqualmie, but we were on the wrong side of the river and got lost amidst the clearcuts. We spent all day looking at young forests in the north fork valley and on its side slopes, all doug fir or western hemlock, in various stages of growth.

Found out later that this land, of course originally given to the railroad and then sold cheap to weyerhaeuser, is now owned by Hancock Timber, which is a global timber company with its HQ in Boston. Recently King County paid $22 million to Hancock Timber to keep the land from becoming subdivisions. The company still owns the land and can log it as it has been, but now it can not become a real estate company, as weyerhaeuser has done via its Quadrant subsidiary. From upvalley, looking downvalley:

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