Seattle Tours

Some notes on wandering around Seattle and environs.

Thursday, June 14, 2007



Went and visited big rocks in Seattle, in their resting places as found in 1851.

Big Rock in Wedgewood. The street grid goes around it. When this land was platted it was just too big to move. It is about 20 feet tall.

By 100th St. entrance to Carkeek, just across from CarkeekPlaza (nee Art's Plaza). Small compared to the other.

Four Mile Rock off Magnolia -- hard to figure the scale from this picture, i hope to go back at low tide. It is as big as Big Rock, if not bigger.

This is 0.5-1.0 miles east of Four Mile Rock. I am pretty sure this has fallen from the bluff behind in the past few years . It is about 10 feet tall. In the background, smith's cove marina, seattle skyline and mount rainier.

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