Seattle Tours

Some notes on wandering around Seattle and environs.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Wandering in Whatcom County

Another random trip to Bellingham. Took public transit, about 2.5-3 hours travel time and $5 each way. Took a bus out to the County and walked around some small towns, really there wasn't much to see, but the river.

Here is the Community Hall in Van Zandt -- a small town on Highway 9, the Nooksack River and the BNSF Sumas branch. This is probably the most significant public building in the town, along with Everybody's Store, a small convenience/sandwich shop. Recently Van Zandt started their own radio station.

Nugent's Corner is at the intersection of Highways 9 and 542, and is the last place before heading up to the border crossing at Sumas. The IGA is, apparently, "where friends meet friends" in this part of the county.

The Nooksack River point bar had lots of cottonwood and alder, some cherry, but no birch (I was on a birch hunt). Here we look upstream towards Mount Baker from the river bend near Nugent's Corner. The river is big, about 4000 cfs on this day -- this is about 4 times the size of the Green River or 10 times the size of the Cedar on the same day.

This is Bellingham's old city hall, now the Whatcom County Museum.

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